Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Breanne!

Today one of my best friend's turns 20! I just thought I'd do something that a lot of bloggers do at least once for their friends and write a blog post dedicated to them!

I met Bre during my freshman year of college. She was my next door neighbor in the dorms. I remember the first night I stayed in the dorms I invited her to come watch The Notebook with Betsy and I. She told me she'd love to watch it and be over soon, but then never showed up! (I like to tease her about that all the time now). We probably didn't really even start talking until a few weeks later when I joined a group of people from the 3rd floor (the floor I lived on) on a night walk. I wanted to walk over by this place where a former crush lived so we all headed that way(we ended up just walking around Old Main) and I invented 'The Creeper Dance'. Bre was one of the people that really got into it and thought it was awesome! That night I dubbed her 'black' and since then we were pretty good friends!

We decided to become roommates for sophomore year when I was having issues deciding whether to live in a house with 20ish girls or go on my own.  She told me that she would be more than willing to be my roommate at Old Farm apartments if I decided I didn't want to go with the house decision. I decided I didn't and not too long after Bre and I decided we wanted to live at PineView with Amy!

 & Let me tell you... Being Bre's roommate has been the best! Bre is probably the one out of the very few that I genuinely feel like I can tell her anything! She is probably one of the best listeners I've ever met. She's also one of the few that I can be myself around in Utah. We love goofing off and joking around all the time. We're those friends that have a bird call for each other when we see each other at a distance on campus. It's the best. She has been there through my happiest college days and my most horrible. If I ever need to vent, I usually call up Bre. If I ever want to have a freaking hilarious text convo, she's the first person that comes to mind. As a matter of fact, here's a glimpse of some of our text convos:
Me: Holy crap.... I just watched the last ten minutes of the NBA finals by myself. Never thought you'd hear me say that huh?
Bre: What?! No I did not! Did hell freeze over?? ;)
Me: Oh by the way.... It's freakin snowing. Did I know before I left? No.
Bre: Hahahaha you catch that bus before your hur gets all messed up.. Now go on!
Bre: Yeah... Watching house of payne
Me: Awh yeah!! Shoot I wanna watch... Wish we had tv channels!
Bre: No kidding. HA jealous? Jk
Me: Haha YES.
Me: Oh btw way to tell me you went home!
Me: Oh wait.... you didn't!
Bre: Uh yeah dawg you were gone... Hace frio partner
Me: Ahhhhh! Macarena!
Bre: Dos coca colas por favor! Make that cuatro for my black amiga haha
Me: At the rivaaa where black folk gather after Sunday service is through!! At the rivaaa which leads to the ocean... I'll be running my way back to youuuuu! There ya go ;)
Bre: Yeah that's it! Thanks you saved my sanity :)

Okay, granted, some of those texts are semi inside jokes. But they make me smile every time I read them!

Bre has become one of my best friend's in the past two years! I feel bad for anyone else that doesn't know her like I do... 'cause you're seriously missing out!

Happy Birthday Bre!! Lessss get it!

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